February 2020

Water Alarm
Project #2: Water Alarm

Hello Everyone, Spring is almost here and that means melting snow! Yes, some of us have plenty of the stuff blanketing our yards. Every spring we worry that the power will go out while we're sleeping and that we will wake up to a flooded basement. We keep saying we'll buy a water detection alarm […]

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New Project coming this week

Well, another week has ticked by and still we have not received the parts for the BeyBlade stadium. So we are going to park it until all the parts come in. In the interim, with spring around the corner, we are going to try to get a new project finished before the snow melts. We'll […]

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BeyBlade Stadium
Delays due to Coronavirus?

Hello everyone, We've ordered the parts for the BeyBlade stadium, but they just aren't arriving. We're sorry for the delay, and we're not sure what we are going to do in the interim yet... We're assuming it's related to the coronavirus outbreak because all of the ship dates say the items can ship anyday in […]

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BeyBlade Stadium
BeyBlade Stadium Plan

As our last post explained, we will be building a BeyBlade Stadium with a couple of extra features. First we are going to add some user configurable lighting to the stadium, and second we are going to add some pinball style arms to the walls. After taking some measurements of my sons existing stadiums, we […]

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