February 2022

Next Project - Making anything into a "smart" appliance

Hello Everyone, Now that the Beyblade stadium project is complete, we are going to start something new. We are going to use an ESP8266 WiFi Module to send us an email when our water level sensor (Water Alarm - Glitch Circuits) goes off. But the same circuit and programming will apply to any device that […]

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BeyBlade Stadium
BeyBlade Stadium In Action

Hello everyone, We finally finished this video. Check it out and let us know what you think! Note: We had started doing a "How To" video to build this project, but 1/3 of the way into it the video had reached 18mins. And well, we did not think anyone would watch an hour long video […]

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BeyBlade Stadium
BeyBlade Stadium Update #2

Hello Everyone, It's been a long time coming, but the Bey Blade stadium build is done, and we are done making all of the recordings for the project. All thats left is to edit the video and put it up online. We hope to have it up sometime next week! We had tried something new […]

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