Project #2: Water Alarm

Hello Everyone,
Spring is almost here and that means melting snow!
Yes, some of us have plenty of the stuff blanketing our yards. Every spring we worry that the power will go out while we're sleeping and that we will wake up to a flooded basement. We keep saying we'll buy a water detection alarm and we never do... This year, let's make one.

We want it to be different than the common "water-shorts-battery-to-buzzer" things out there, so lets make ours send us an email when it goes off.

To summarize what we are going to build, the alarm will be:
-Battery powered
-Have an audible alarm
-Have a low battery warning
-Have a wireless module
-Oh... and be able to sense when it comes into contact with water!

Next week we will pick our parts and design tools.
Check back then!


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