Water Alarm

Water Alarm Update

Hello Everyone, Because it's been awhile since we last posted about the water alarm, we thought we would give you an update on status of this project. We are halfway there... The alarms sounds when it comes into contact with water, but we still need to write the code to connect up to wifi and […]

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Water Alarm
Parts for the water alarm

Last time we sorted out the front end of circuit, so now lets pick the last of our parts. To start, lets pick our battery. For this project, we're going to use a 9V battery. We are choosing 9V because it's easily connected with a snap on terminal and doesn't need a holder (you can […]

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Water Alarm
Water Alarm Design

In our last post we outlined what we wanted the water alarm to do, so now its time to plan our design. Lets dive right in. Above you can see a simple block diagram of what we are building, and the most important part is the transistor. Its job is to turn on in the […]

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Water Alarm
Project #2: Water Alarm

Hello Everyone, Spring is almost here and that means melting snow! Yes, some of us have plenty of the stuff blanketing our yards. Every spring we worry that the power will go out while we're sleeping and that we will wake up to a flooded basement. We keep saying we'll buy a water detection alarm […]

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