Next Project - Making anything into a "smart" appliance

Hello Everyone,

Now that the Beyblade stadium project is complete, we are going to start something new. We are going to use an ESP8266 WiFi Module to send us an email when our water level sensor (Water Alarm - Glitch Circuits) goes off. But the same circuit and programming will apply to any device that has at least a single output that toggles on/off.

The basic goal will be for the device to stay in a sleep state until an event occurs that requires us to send an email notification. Once that event happens, the device must wake up, connect to wifi, send the email and go back to sleep afterwards.

As a first step we will be doing a tutorial for getting the ESP8266 to connect to wifi and send emails. We will follow that up by programming the embedded application, and lastly we will put it all together with out water level sensor.

Check back soon!

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