
Power Alarm
Power Alarm Completion video

Hello everyone, We finally did it - our first fully completed project. With this out of the way we'll go back and work on the other 2 outstanding projects, but for now, here's the power alarm in operation, enjoy! ______ Help Support our work!

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Power Alarm
Power Alarm Build

In our last post we outlined what we needed the Power Outage Alarm to do, so lets get started! First thing to cover is detecting when the power goes out. To do this we are just going to re-use one of the many 5V wall chargers we have lying around. When the 5V disappears from […]

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Power Alarm
Project #3: Power Alarm

Hello Everyone, While we've been waiting for deliveries with parts for our other projects, we thought we'd get started on a power alarm. This project doesn't really have any unique features, we're mostly doing it out of necessity. The water alarm needs a wireless interface to alert me of a soon to be flooded basement […]

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Water Alarm Update

Hello Everyone, Because it's been awhile since we last posted about the water alarm, we thought we would give you an update on status of this project. We are halfway there... The alarms sounds when it comes into contact with water, but we still need to write the code to connect up to wifi and […]

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BeyBlade Stadium
Bey Stadium Update

Hello everyone, We thought it's been awhile since we've shared any news on our Bey Stadium project, and it's high time we rectify that situation. We have started assembling the stadium, but some key pieces we ordered never arrived. We canceled those orders this week, as after 8 weeks it became apparent that we were […]

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