What are we doing here anyway?

So here we are, Glitch Circuits is on the world wide web, but why?

Well, we've been designing circuit cards for high tech companies for many years now, and sometimes we want to build fun projects that don't take all year to develop. But if you can't share them with everyone, well... what's the point? And so we created Glitch Circuits to share whatever random projects we want to work on with you.

Most of the projects we'll work on will not be in our wheelhouse. They might tie in woodworking, or something else we don't do very often - like programming (make no mistake we aren't software guys... and you'll likely be able to deduce that from some of the programs we share with you).
But we aren't here to sell electronics to the masses, and we are not here to spend the entire year building a monster 20 layer circuit card either. We want to share projects someone could build at home in their own workshop.

We are here to try out things that are new and fun for us, and to share all of the Glitches with you.


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